Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Need an Alphabet Song for My Name

[The following paragraph comes from a diary entry from the one and only Katie
Schmiedicker.  I managed to steal a page and transcribe it myself.  Enjoy.]

Dear Diary,

Ugh!  What another boring, long day.   Why do seniors have to go to school second semester?   I do not see the point.  This morning, I had another substitute teacher in one of my classes.  Obviously, teachers do not want to show up anymore as well.  Anyways, the substitute spent five minutes mispronouncing my name during the call for attendance.  “Skmid-idick-er?” No. “Smyde-deeker?”  Still, no. “Can you sound it out for me, Katie?” Has everyone forgotten how to use phonetics? People just need to sound it out.  Come on, root words.  Besides having a first name shared by hundreds of people in Chagrin Falls High School, I also have the longest last name no one has ever heard of—such a sad paradox.  Later in the day, things picked up a little bit.  During gym class, I demolished everyone in volleyball.  Honestly, the other team should not have even showed up.  I mean, they call me the “Gold Digger.”  It felt wonderful to vent some of my anger and frustration with the school system into an athletic activity—so many problems around here (sigh).  After teaching those underclassmen a lesson in sports, I began the trek to the classroom of AP English 12.  It only took a few self-motivational speeches, but I managed to convince myself to enter through the doorway.  Inside, I sat next to my writing partner, Alex King.  Among all of the writing partners I have had before, Alex and I probably share the most compatibility.  We procrastinate, waver on what to write about, and usually have no clue what to do most of the time.  Would I call these qualities ingredients for success?  Probably not, but who cares.  Today, Ms. Serensky gave the class a prompt with two poems and asked us to pre-write for it.  By the time she called “time,” I had only just started my outline.  Bummer.  Also, I think she mentioned something about a project deadline…worth half of my grade…maybe not.  Darn, I lost my train of thought.   What did I want to say?  Oh yeah, I hate school.  Alright, I am off to bed.  I already spent four hours on this diary entry.

Peace out,

Katie Schmiedicker (Spelled S-C-H-M-I-E-D-I-C-K-E-R)


  1. Alie and I share a compatibility trait of having ineffective prattlings to each other before we start discussions. As you can assume these mini discussions involve comments such as, "so I like the shading the authors used in this panel..." or "I hate Veidt..." Unfortunately at the end of the day we both have no patience for analyzing. However, we also rise up to the occasion when absolutely necessary.

  2. Having spent the last four years as one of Katie’s closest friends, I have to say you pegged her hilarious personality, scatter-brain antics, and her altogether nonchalant attitude; yet, she and I have always butted heads as to how we conduct ourselves when it comes to getting a task done (she ponders, I do). Nevertheless, I would have loved having her as a writing partner (she probably enjoyed having you as one—I know from experience) for dull moments do not exist in the world of Kate-Marie Dellas Schmidicker, even her ridiculously long name has twists and turns in it.

  3. Alex, I am so ecstatic that someone finally understands the difficulties that come with Schmiedicker! Do you know how long it takes me to bubble in my name on tests!? Overall, I think you pin pointed me very well Alex, great work! However in response to Libby's comment I must point out that she spelled my last name wrong. After four years of friendship, I hope she did this on purpose...
